[accordion title=”1.1 – What is the Keppe Motor?”]

The Keppe Motor is a highly efficient motor that uses the principle of electromagnetic resonance to optimize its efficiency.

It was developed by a team of three engineers under the direction of Norberto Keppe: Carlos Cesar Soós, Roberto Heitor Frascari and Alexandre Frascari, based on Keppe’s New Physics Derived From A Disinverted Metaphysics,” first published in France, 1996


[accordion title=”1.2. What is the importance of a Keppe Motor?“]

Our energy bills are increasing parallel to our ecological awareness that is leading us to use more efficient and renewable energies. Within a few years, only high performance motors will be marketed so as to comply with regulations and agreements that are already being implemented by governments in many countries. Furthermore, a new technical standard called the ISO 50,001 will soon be coming into effect, which will be specifically address energy efficiency. The Keppe Motor provides an answer to the demands of these new global standards.
There are obvious environmental and the economic advantages to using a motor that saves 70% of electricity. Low power electric motors are primarily used in household appliances, electric tools, water pumps, cooling compressors, etc and represent about 40% of all electric motors in use today. There are hundreds of millions of these motors worldwide and they express the people’s wealth because they are directly linked to the development of a country or region.
Conventional motors work with DC or AC (monophase and triphase) supply. DC motors are not cheap and require high maintenance, which makes their use difficult for most domestic applications. The other alternative is the monophase AC (127 / 220V) motors. The problem with these motors is that their technology is not able to ensure high efficiency for low powers like 750W and below. On the other hand, the triphase AC motors, despite of their high efficiency, cannot be used in the domestic grid, because it is not triphasic, i.e., not an industrial supply.
It is exactly here where the Keppe Motor comes to fill this very important consumption gap: the range of low power motors for domestic use. The Keppe Motor can deliver efficiencies of triphase motors being supplied with AC domestic voltages.
The immediate consequences of that are the enormous energy savings in nationwide (and worldwide) scale, which represents billions of KWs a year. It is worth to mention that this savings is directly linked to the environment protection because higher efficiency motors for domestic use can run on photovoltaic panels and create an entire new market of portable products which are not practical with today’s technology.
A number of projects using self-sustainable solar energy systems could be implemented by governments by using the Keppe Motor and provide greater comfort and dignity to needy populations throughout the world.

[accordion title=”1.3 – How does a Keppe Motor work?“]

Electric motors transform electric energy into mechanical energy, and electric generators do the opposite, i.e., transform mechanical energy into electric energy. The Keppe Motor comprises a motor feature (electricity being transformed into mechanical energy) and a generator feature (mechanical energy being transformed into electricity) in balance at the point of resonance of the system.
System’s highest efficiency is reached when the resonance between the two components of action (motor feature) and complementation (generator feature) takes place. The resonant point of this system includes the electric power supply (domestic grid or battery) and the load on the shaft.
The Keppe Motor contains a magnetic rotor with permanent magnets which rotates inside the stator coils. When the magnet is set in motion by the supply voltage applied to the coil (motor feature), it creates additional voltage in the coil terminals (generator feature), increasing the magnetic energy stored in it. This energy enters in resonance with the power grid’s energy through pulses of varying intervals determined by the Keppe Motor itself and this is the nature of its high efficiency. As consequence, one of the best advantages of the Keppe Motor is that it runs cold, which is an indication of its high efficiency and guarantee of durability.
Nevertheless, for all this to occur, it is not enough to make a motor with a different design – you must also change the power supply, otherwise, resonance cannot be achieved.
The best way to reach resonance is to let the motor interrupt its own power supply according to its own structure, without interfering with its operation. Because of that, the typical and necessary power supply of the Keppe Motor is PDC (Pulsed Direct Current), the only supply that allows the system to reach resonance. Depending on the motor design and parameters, such as wire gauge, presence or absence of an iron core, type of magnet, coil inductance, etc., the entire system will automatically search for its point of resonance for the load and voltage specified. At this point the electrical current decreases to the minimum necessary to perform the desired work. This minimum is always lower than that required by conventional direct or alternating current to perform the same task.


[accordion title=”1.4. What is the range of application of the Keppe Motor?“]

Although the Keppe Motor is developed only up to ½ HP, there is no technological or scientific reason in contrary to its scaling up. In principle, electromagnetic resonance can be applied to all motors ranging from few watts to hundreds of kWs.
The STOP the Destruction of the World Association, an NGO that holds the Keppe Motor patent, founded by Dr. Cláudia B. Pacheco in Paris, 1992, decided to first complete some of the prototypes within the range of ½ HP and look for partners interested in manufacturing and adapting them in their products so that the Keppe Motor technology can be certified beforehand.


[accordion title=”1.5. What is the economy of the Keppe Motor compared to competitors?“]

The mechanical power developed by a motor is expressed by Torque x Rotation. So, a 50W motor, for example, can be designed to work with more speed and less torque, or vice-versa, but always maintaining 50W.
In the current stage of development, the Keppe Motor can only be compared to low power motors rated below 0,5 HP.
Since there are many air ventilation and exhaust devices within this power range, each one of them was designed to work with a different type of blade that corresponds to a specific torque and rotation so that it achieves the desired goal. For example, micro-fans are fast and weak, while ceiling fans are slow and strong.
Household appliances work with AC monophasic motors and these devices include electric tools, mixers, fans, vacuum cleaners, water pumps, cooling compressors, etc. If we compare the Keppe Motor with some of these products we have the following energy savings:



We should take into consideration that fans work with different speeds and the figures shown in the previous table represent the best performance, which correspond to the best working speeds of the conventional monophasic AC motors. For example, a ceiling fan rotating at the maximum speed of 500 rpm consumes 170W and the Keppe Motor at the same speed consumes 35W with 79% energy savings, but if the same ceiling fan runs at its slowest speed of 150 rpm, this savings becomes even more impressive. In fact, at 150 rpm this conventional ceiling fan consumes 80W and the Keppe Motor only 1.5W, a difference of 83.n5W or 98% economy.


[accordion title=”1.6. What are the Advantages of the Keppe Motor?“]

Answer 1: Greater efficiency: This technology saves in average more than 70% of the electric supply when compared to conventional electric monophasic AC motors. This means that the Keppe Motor delivers the same mechanical power with much less energy consumption. Since low power AC monophasic motors correspond to about 40% of all electric motors in use today, and the Keppe Motor saves 70% energy in comparison to them, we can have a clear picture of what this represents to a nation or the world in terms of energy savings. In addition, the Keppe Motor is an immediate answer and costless investment to the environment.
Answer 2: Makes better use of solar energy: The Keppe Motor technology provides high efficiency for low power motors at very low costs and simple manufacturing. This makes possible the use of photovoltaic panels as ecological energy supply for many applications that are not practical without a Keppe Motor.
Answer 3: Lower manufacturing cost: The Keppe Motor is very easy to assemble and can be made from light and cheap recyclable materials, because it runs close to room temperature. It discards the use of iron-silicon cores, which eliminates hysteresis and other complications caused by the employment of such materials for this purpose.
Answer 4: Portability of new products and increased battery life: The portability of the Keppe Motor makes it possible to work with a wide range of products supplied with batteries and thereby not practical to embody conventional motors due to their high consumption and low efficiency. A typical example of that is the electric lawn mower, which demands 700W from the grid.
The toy industry can also benefit a lot from the Keppe Motor technology.
Answer 5: Handicraft market: Keppe Motor’s simplicity of assembly opens an enormous market for the production of handcraft toys and small appliances.
Answer 6: Opening of an enormous field of research: The principle of electromagnetic resonance through pulses applied to the Keppe Motor may be more deeply studied and applied to other motors and devices, opening a new field of technology with clear benefits for us all.


[accordion title=”1.7. What is the maximum power achieved through a Keppe Motor? And what about its size and weight (power per volume relationship)?“]

Currently (July – 2010), there are several Keppe Motor working prototypes in test at the STOP Association laboratories ranging from 10 W to 0.5 HP, with weight and dimensions inferior to those of conventional models of equivalent power. We also have a project of a 1 HP Keppe Motor with dimensions reduced by 30%. This motor will be smaller and a lot lighter than its triphasic competitors, for it does not need iron-silicon cores.


[accordion title=”1.8. Can a Keppe Motor be used for any potency?“]

Basically it can. The difference between a paper boat and an ocean liner is a matter of engineering, because both float in water. Even though there is still a lot of research and work to be done to scale up the Keppe Motor, nothing has proven otherwise.
The development of the Keppe Motor is fast and today we have made 200W models that are smaller than the 30W models of two years ago.
Some of the key factors to obtain power with high efficiency is precisely the relationship between the magnetic fields of the rotor and the stator in its specific resonance point through natural pulses.
High efficiency motors (tens or hundreds of KVA) have more than 90% efficiency, however, when running idle, they consume a lot of energy just to remain on. This suggests that projects that include motors require them to work constantly under nominal load, otherwise they become inefficient. If we take an escalator in a mall, a public elevator or a conveyor belt at an airport, for example, their drive motor have good efficiency when transporting people and things, but low efficiency when no one or nothing is being transported. The average efficiency is not the same as the full load efficiency and because of that, in escalators for example, sensors are installed so that they begin to work only when someone approaches, thus saving energy.
However, during work, the motor’s efficiency will vary greatly if the load varies from one or 30 people being transported.
Tests on a large multinational German motor manufacturer revealed that the Keppe Motor keeps its high efficiency even under high load variations, i.e., from idle to full load, and this factor is a big advantage over the conventional motors.


[accordion title=”1.9. What is the efficiency of a Keppe Motor?“]

The typical efficiency of a plain Keppe Motor goes from 50 to 65% in its simplest configuration. Nevertheless, by adding extra coils in strategic points of the stator and using appropriate rotor designs, the Keppe Motor can surpass 90% efficiency.
Household, commercial and exhaust fan prototypes using the Keppe Motor have an average efficiency above 60%, depending on the model. When compared to 20% or less shown by the conventional motors used for the same applications, this difference represents significant economy of energy, worthy of attention of private and governmental entities interested in energy efficiency. KEPPEMOTOR Universe Turbo.


[accordion title=”1.10. There is a number of low power motors with efficiency exceeding 50%. Why is the Keppe Motor better?“]

Conventional low power AC monophasic motors have a very poor “power / volume” relationship, which makes them impractical for most domestic applications. This is simply a limitation of the conventional technology. These small motors with efficiencies exceeding 50% use iron cores, and this makes them very big, heavy and awkward for domestic use.
Furthermore, as mentioned before, even if a conventional motor is very efficient, this is true only for rated design load, i.e., the motor is delivering the mechanical work within the narrow range for which it was designed. Outside that range, it will be drawing energy from the power grid even if it is running idle, that is, without load applied to the shaft. In this case its efficiency will no longer be so good.
Consider a practical example of a low power monophasic AC motor used to drive a bench drill. While idling at 127V, it consumes 6.6 Amps. At an efficiency of 65%, this motor consumes around 470W just to keep rotating. This minimum consumption, when computed for a long period of work, reduces the motors efficiency greatly.
Another practical example is with a 24V-DC motor of 167W used for fan blade calibration in our laboratory. At 24V and idling, it consumes 24W to reach 2,380 rpm, or 1A. This means an enormous consumption without performing any mechanical work, only free rotation. This never occurs with a Keppe Motor, which under these conditions would consume about 2W maximum for the same speed.


[accordion title=”1.11. Can the Keppe Motor be attached to a generator and power a home?“]

No. Every machine loses energy during its energy conversion process and this is not an exception for the Keppe Motor. In order to achieve such feat, a motor should be able to deliver more energy than it consumes.
Despite the new technology employed to the Keppe Motor, its efficiency gets close to 100% but does not exceed this value, so it needs an external power source to function.
Nevertheless, coupled to photovoltaic panels, the Keppe Motor can easily provide energy in excess for most domestic needs.
The STOP Association research team carried out some experiments to verify the efficiency of a system comprised of one Keppe Motor fan equivalent to 60W + one Battery (12V/4.3Ah) + one 20W-Photovoltaic panel. The results showed that the motor consumed between 0.1 and 0.3 Amps in a cloudy day (summer day, São Paulo (Brazil), 11 Am). This current corresponded to consumption between 1.2 and 3.6W in order to turn the fan blade at 700 rpm. With few minutes of direct sunlight the battery was rapidly recharged. This same Keppe Motor worked in a closed room (without the solar panel) connected to one 12V regular car battery, moving the 60W fan blade, which dropped from 1,100 rpm to 930 rpm after 55 hours of continuous operation. These speeds corresponded to the voltages of 12,4V and 11,1V, respectively. This means that the 60W equivalent Keppe Motor worked continuously for more than two consecutive days (48 hours) without losing much of its output power using only a regular car battery. If it were deep discharge, this autonomy would have been even greater.
In other words a small 20W photovoltaic panel can supply enough energy to one battery in order to supply a 60W equivalent Keppe Motor for several days work, even without direct sunlight. These results are very encouraging for we can think about small self-sustaining water pumping systems (24h non-stop working regime) with 7 liters/min flow at almost zero cost.
In regions where the sunlight is more intense and abundant around the year this available self-sustaining system can be easily scaled up and bring immediate and unimaginable benefits to the populations that don’t have access to the public grid.

[accordion title=”1.12. When will the Keppe Motor be commercialized and for which equipment?“]

Currently, the STOP Association, which holds the patent on the Keppe Motor, is in the process of choosing partners to manufacture and launch these products in the market. In the fall of 2014 Keppe Motor released its first commercialized product, the UNIVERSE TURBO Ceiling Fan wich saves up to 90% on energy consumption and is Solar Panel ready.

[accordion title=”2.1: Would it be possible to show the influence of magnetism using a device or instrument?”]

In the physics of electromagnetism, we know that the divergence of the magnetic field of a permanent magnet is zero, which means that all the magnetic lines that leave one pole return to the other, adding up to zero. This is why conventional devices cannot pick up “magnetic waves”.

This doesn’t happen with the electric field, because the electric charges that make up a positive/negative electric dipole (voltage difference) have a non-zero divergence, meaning that the field spreads out through space and can therefore be detected. This is why our materialistic (sensorial) science works with electromagnetism, not pure magnetism.

According to Keppe, electricity is a by-product of magnetism, not a complementary aspect of it, a “twin-brother” so to speak, as Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory claims. This means that, according to Keppe’s New Physics, electricity corresponds to a small part of magnetism, manifested in time and space.

However, we can detect the magnetism emitted by the Keppe Motor through its effects, which we can be seen in the behavior of animals and plants, despite being mostly “invisible” to instruments.

A similar situation occurs with 5G radiation, which contains a part that can be measured, and another part that is not detected by instruments, but capable of negatively affecting living beings. Recent experiments have proven this.

In fact, although 5G waves are capable of deforming water crystals produced by Massaru Emoto technique, they are considered “harmless” by the orthodox scientific community because these waves are not ionizing radiation. We see here the inadequacy of the materialist method used in physics to correctly evaluate a physical phenomenon that physicists think to be 100% unraveled!

Similarly, the magnetism of the Keppe Motor can be evaluated, for its magnetic effect, although not conventionally measurable, is beneficial and can be proven indirectly by the benefits it causes to living organisms.

[accordion title=”2.2: I’d like to know: if I just buy the KM60 magnetic and resonant motor and leave it plugged in next to my PC, monitor, cell phone, Wi-Fi etc., can it reduce the harmful radiation of electromagnetic waves in the room? Does the solar adapter allow you to connect the power source by coupling it with the magnetic motor?”]

The “magnetic waves” emanating from the Keppe Motor cannot be measured by conventional electromagnetic meters beyond the limits of the detectable magnetism emanating from the motor’s magnets, which stretches out to around 50cm.

However, we know about their existence through the effects they have on animate beings such as plants, animals and human beings. There are many reports of people who sleep better, feel better at work, get calmer when working or studying, and animals that come close to the fan and stay there for a long time, or even plants that grow faster and more vigorously than normal.

In addition, there are areas of non-orthodox science, such as radionics and radiesthesia, which have unconventional devices capable of detecting such fields of “non-noticeable” magnetism emanating from the fan.

According to the study of magnetonics, developed by Norberto Keppe, these non-noticeable magnetic waves are more fundamental than the detectable ones, including the electromagnetic ones. This means that the Keppe Motor can mitigate or even nulify the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields produced by conventional electronic devices such as cell phones, Wi-Fi, computers, and others.

As for the solar adapter, it is no longer being manufactured because the fan motor has been redesigned to operate at low voltage. It can run with a regular switched power supply (input: 110/220VAC, output: 6V to 24V), directly plugged to a household socket, or without any adapter, if plugged directly to any DC power supply from 6V to 24V, including solar panels.


Keppe Motor Timeline

Keppe’s pioneering and scientific study of Metaphysics marks the incorporation of theological and philosophical knowledge into science at last, offering humanity the knowledge necessary to free itself from millennia of imprisonment. One of the consequences of this union of science with philosophy and theology is the Keppe Motor. Below is a simple timeline of the process that led to the Keppe Motor.


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