pacheco-002Psychoanalyst and author of a number of publications in the field of Integral Psychoanalysis (Analytical Trilogy), Claudia Pacheco wrote – Women on the Couch, Healing through Consciousness – Theomania and Stress; The ABC of Analytical Trilogy, The Secret History of Brazil, The American Multinational of Drugs, An Eye on Health, among many other books, magazines and periodicals on the subject. Some of her books have been translated into nine languages.

Graduated in Psychology at the Universidade de São Marcos in São Paulo, Brazil, she obtained her doctor’s degree in Psychoanalysis at the Society from the psychoanalyst Norberto Keppe.

Founder of the Institute Superieur de Psychanalyse Integrale in Paris, and in São Paulo, for the Professionalizing Technical Course on Psychosocial Health approved by the São Paulo State Secretary of Education.

Founder and president of the NGO – STOP the Destruction of the World, she produces and presents radio and television programs that are aired in more than 45 countries.

She has worked in New York, Paris, Lisbon, London and Stockholm, as an international lecturer, and is actively involved in organizing cultural and artistic events in a number of countries. Among her many activities, she presently attends clients in her consulting practice at the ISAT in São Paulo, Brazil.

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