Keppe Motor is studied at the best technological University in Europe

Professors at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH- Zurich) considered the 8th best university in the world and the best university on the European continent have selected the award winning technology of resonant motors, the Keppe Motor, for the apprenticeship projects of students at this prestigious institution.

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Welcome! Free energy, clean and cheap. An energy which helps you live self-sufficiently

A motor that can change the world has been silenced! Unbeatable proof of the suppression of revolutionary technologies by business, politics, science and the media. The so-called conspiracy theories are real! The Keppe Motor is basically an electric motor, but very special and extremely efficient, because it doesn’t get its energy only from a wall […]

Keppe Motor participates in the “Ecology Future Forum 2020” in Russia


Between the 5th and 7th of June, the Forum Ecologia do Futuro 2020 took place in Stockholm and online. The event brought together scientists, economists, government agencies, artists and businessmen from various countries around the world. Keppe Motor participated in the forum with the lecture The Power of Energy, given by Persio Burkinski, representative of […]

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Positive effects of magnetism on organisms

(Plants, animals and humans) Scientific research in the field of magnetism using a therapeutic method show that the effects of magnetic fields on organisms are positive. Some of these effects are: pH normalization, cell oxygenation regulation, immunity improvement, inflammation and pain reduction, relaxation, etc. Metabolic effect of magnetism on the human body It is responsible […]

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Keppe Motor Receives Award from Corporate Vision Magazine

The Keppe Motor’s innovative technology, developed from the discoveries of Norberto Keppe’s New Physics, has again received international recognition. Corporate Vision Magazine from England (the land of Isaac Newton) has just named the Keppe Motor the 2019 Leading Pioneer in Energy-Efficient Motor Technology following technical analysis by the judges of this competition. This awards represents […]

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Keppe Motor: Electric motors that generate their own energy

There are already technologies, there are already appliances that save up to 90% energy when compared to traditional solutions. This motor is available: Get to know the Brazilian invention, based on Nikola Tesla’s scalar energy, which saves electricity. Keppe Motor Experiment: Industrial fan Keppe Motor. Video made by Canal da Eletricidade. Originally published on […]

Keppe Motor receives the 2017 Technological Innovation Power Award

Keppe Motor was awarded in the category of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Quality during the 29th FIEE – Electric, Electronic, Power and Automation Industry Trade Show. Award ceremony occurred on July 25, 2017. Award created by HMNews Publishing House. Did you like it? Share it on social media!

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