Ample, Accessible and Sustainable Energy for the Needs of Humanity

Keppe Motor was invited to participate in the Global Grand Challenges (GGCs) Awards which will take place at the Singularity University Global Summit On August 28-30, in California, United States. This important event,  in partnership with the United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology, coordinating services provided by more than 4.000 people in UN offices worldwide, will be showcasing the world’s most promising […]

Latest Keppe Motor news: Efficiency Test – 1 HP motor

On May 31st, 2016 performance tests were carried out on Keppe Motor at Advanced Energy motor laboratory, in the United States. Four prototypes of permanent magnet motors were tested in the presence of three representatives of Keppe Motor. The TABLE below presents the summary of some key results obtained in the tests carried out on […]

Keppe Motor: the award winning energy efficient motor technology

Keppe Motor, the award winning energy efficient motor technology, participated in the 2015-16 Global Leap Award, in San Francisco, California, and has been selected as Finalist in the Off Grid Fan Category. As Finalist, Keppe Motor is eligible to participate in a new Global LEAP incentives program, which drives best-in-class products into key off-grid markets. […]

Keppe Motor is selected as finalist in the 2015-16 Global LEAP Awards in USA.

Keppe Motor, the award winning energy efficient motor technology, is participating in the Global Leap Award 2016, in San Francisco, California, and has been selected as Finalist in the Off Grid Fan Category. This is an international competition that identifies and promotes the world’s best, most energy-efficient off-grid appliances, which are critical to global energy […]

The Sensory World is but the Faintest Spark in the Universe

by Norberto R Keppe Both space and time transcend the sensory universe. In fact, this is so much so that without knowledge of this extra sensorial dimension it is impossible to understand anything. Science shouldn’t deal only with what is obvious, so why has it rejected thought and even theodicy1? We have arrived at a […]

Teaching the New Physics: Interview with Professor Euripes Alves

Richard Jones: How did you find out about the Keppe Motor? How did you go about getting more information about it? Interviewed: It happened like this. I was searching the internet for information about solar panels. At the time, I was working on my masters degree and just like that, by sheer coincidence, I found […]

Keppe Motor will be at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2015 (Spring Edition)

SAVE THE DATE: April 13th-16th, 2015 The Keppe Motor team invites you to join us at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) – Asia’s Largest Spring Electronics Fair. It’ll be a great chance to learn more about this ground-breaking technology, which is delivering remarkable results – up to 90% energy efficiency in comparison to […]

Keppe Motor on History Channel: Documentary “POWER”

The Keppe Motor was featured on the History Channel documentary, Power, which highlights the work of Keppe and others in challenging the dominant energy paradigm. Their work was recently featured in the documentary Power, which was shown various times on the History Channel to rave reviews. The documentary ran simultaneously in South America and Mexico, […]

Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2014

Keppe Motor, the newest and most efficient electric motor technology, invites you to the Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2014 (Autumn Edition). The Keppe Motor team invites you to join us at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) – Asia’s Largest Autumn Electronics Fair. It’ll be a great chance to learn more about this ground-breaking, […]

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