Keppe Motor at the National Artisan Confederation (CNA) in Siena

[slider][slide title=”KEPPEMOTOR ” image_url=”” image_alt=”Image alt”][slide_content]Siena[/slide_content][/slide][slide title=”KEPPEMOTOR” image_url=”” image_alt=”Image alt”][slide_content]Siena[/slide_content][/slide][slide title=”KEPPEMOTOR” image_url=”” image_alt=”Image alt”][slide_content]Siena[/slide_content][/slide][/slider] In Siena, under the scorching heat of the Italian summer, there was a presentation on the Keppe Motor at the National Confederation of Artisans (CNA) headquarters. Sponsored by the Institute Keppe and Pacheco – Science and Technology, the meeting was moderated […]

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Keppe Motor at the National Artisan Confederation (CNA) in Siena


In Siena, under the scorching heat of the Italian summer, there was a presentation on the Keppe Motor at the National Confederation of Artisans (CNA) headquarters. Sponsored by the Institute Keppe and Pacheco – Science and Technology, the meeting was moderated by Fabrizio Biliotti. Participating in the meeting was Fabio Biliotti, a psychoanalyst from Venice, […]

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Keppe Motor: Evolve Expo 2013, Denver, CO


On February 23, 2013, Karl Zimmer, Terri Tully and Tom Tully represented the Keppe Motor Team at the Evolve Expo in Denver, CO.  This event bringslocal leaders and internationally acclaimed researchers and activists like Sterling Allen together to explore effective solutions for Free Energy, Alternative Health Care, Conscious Living and Wealth Building. There was quite […]

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From RIO+20 – 10 ideas to save the planet

Jun 25th, 2012 – Época Magazine  There was a little bit of everything at Rio+20 – from closed door meetings to pioneering, and even proposals to improve the day-to-day life of citizens. The KEPPE MOTOR: selected as one of these 10 ideas AN ECONOMICAL MOTOR Developed by scientists Cesar Soós, Alexandre and Roberto Frascari, the […]

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Keppe Motor: Technology makes countryside energy savings possible

Tobias Ferraz talks to researcher, César Soós, and mechanical engineer, Cesar Agarelli, on a new solar energy that makes countryside energy savings possible for lower cost. Check it out. Programa Dia Dia Rural – Canal Terra Viva Did you like it? Share it on social media!

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SENAI visits Keppe Motor Lab


On June 07, 2011 a group of engineers, technicians, instructors and a director from SENAI Brazil (National Service for Industrial Training) visited the Keppe Motor Lab in São Paulo to learn more about the applications and benefits of this innovative motor technology developed from the new physics elaborated by Norberto Keppe. Celso Scaranello, the engineer […]

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ABINEE sets up meeting with Keppe Motor about Electric Bicycles

ABINEE – The Brazilian Electrical and Electronics Industry Association (Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica) invited the Keppe Motor to participate in a meeting with electric bicycle manufacturers General Wings and EcoStart to present initiatives the Keppe Motor could offer to help develop the electric bicycle manufacturing industry in Brazil. The meeting was held […]

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A New Physics of Life


Jan 30th, 2011 – New Paradigm Digest The mission of New Paradigm Digest is to discover those individuals and organizations that are the catalysts of conscious evolution in which intelligence and creativity serve life that may lead us out of the mad world we live in and into the potential of co-creating heaven on earth. […]

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Keppe Motor: the Energy of Life, featured on Good and Green Radio

keppe motor keppemotor Eco Business 2010 programa Viver Sustentável TV Clima Tempo

Jan 27th, 2011 – PWRN Radio The Keppe Motor is a highly efficient motor that uses the principle of electromagnetic resonance to optimize its efficiency. It was developed by three researchers, Carlos Cesar Soós, Alexandre Frascari and Roberto Heitor Frascari, based on the discoveries of the scientist Norberto R. Keppe, set forth in his book The […]

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