Novel developments in science and technology & Funding call for independent research

Oct 6th, 2010 – Novam Research The following are some interesting notes from the presentation given by the co-inventors C. Soos and R. Frascari at the Congress “Autonome Energiesysteme”  in Schloss Hofen / Austria on 4 September 2010: – The so-called Keppe Motor is a novel and highly efficient electric motor which is driven by […]

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Keppe Motor: an eco-technological revolution

Sep 13th, 2010 – Nexus Magazine (Germany) Following an acclaimed presentation at the Copenhagen Climate Conference, the Brazilian inventors carry on defending their revolutionary technology. A very high efficiency and, perhaps, a Overunity effect. Article published in the German edition of Nexus Magazine (nº 28 – June/July).   Did you like it? Share it on […]

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Keppe Motor in Germany

We invite you to participate in the latest developments of the Keppe Motor technologies on September, 04 at the Conference on Free Energy. The following is an outline of topics to be discussed at the Conference. You can see the program schedule of the September conference a t in German. TOPICS FOR THE KEPPE MOTOR […]

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Press Release: Keppe Motor in the Russian Parliament


Moscow, July 08, 2010 Pravda Numerous Russian manufacturers and university representatives presented their projects for the modernization of Russian industry at the recent Modernization Week Congress held in Moscow from July 06 – 08, 2010. The event was organized by Russian Member of Parliament, Alexander Popov. On July 5 at 6:00 p.m., the Duma (Russian […]

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Keppe Motor presented in the United States


Keppe Motor is shown at the Revolutionary Technologies Congress sponsored by Tesla Tech, held from July 30 – August 2, 2009 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Did you like it? Share it on social media!

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New Brazilian Motor Brings Energy Solutions – and Hope – to COP-15


Keppe Motor proposes a dramatic shift in planet’s energy philosophy Copenhagen, Dk – December 7, 2009 – COP-15 President, Connie Hedegaard, has laid down the challenge clearly. “Climate change failure is not an option,” she declares as heads of state, NGOs and activists gather in Copenhagen this week. Against this dramatic backdrop, a progressive NGO […]

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The Keppe Motor Forum – Join the Discussion


Keppe Motor proposes a dramatic shift in planet’s energy philosophy If you have questions, ideas to toss into the discussion, new suggestions for developing this innovative technology, this is the place to do it. We’ve just opened the Keppe Motor Club discussion forum, and we’re interested in anything productive you have to contribute to the […]

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Interview with Cesar Soos – Website Free Energy Now

Eduardo Castelã Nascimento, Business Development Director – Keppean Scalar Motor – GOING OPEN SOURCE – The Keppe Motor allegedly requires a quarter as much electricity to generate power as a normal motor – by capturing scalar energy from the “vacuum” of space. It is named for Brazilian scientist, Norberto Keppe, Ph.D., whose book The New […]

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New Motor Takes a Giant Step Towards Solving Energy, Pollution Crisis


SAN DIEGO, Sept. 16, PRNewswire-USNewswire Scientists have announced the development of a breakthrough new motor that they hope will soon power everything from cars to industrial equipment. Just like solar panels capture energy from the sun, the Keppe Motor captures energy from the so called “vacuum” of space – which it turns out is no […]

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