[slider][slide title=”KEPPEMOTOR ” image_url=”http://www.keppemotor.com/institucional/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/KeppeMotor01.jpg” image_alt=”Image alt”][slide_content]Siena[/slide_content][/slide][slide title=”KEPPEMOTOR” image_url=”http://www.keppemotor.com/institucional/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/KeppeMotor02.jpg” image_alt=”Image alt”][slide_content]Siena[/slide_content][/slide][slide title=”KEPPEMOTOR” image_url=”http://www.keppemotor.com/institucional/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/KeppeMotor03.jpg” image_alt=”Image alt”][slide_content]Siena[/slide_content][/slide][/slider]
In Siena, under the scorching heat of the Italian summer, there was a presentation on the Keppe Motor at the National Confederation of Artisans (CNA) headquarters. Sponsored by the Institute Keppe and Pacheco – Science and Technology, the meeting was moderated by Fabrizio Biliotti. Participating in the meeting was Fabio Biliotti, a psychoanalyst from Venice, who gave an introduction about the principles of Analytical Trilogy followed by a presentation by Roberto Frascari, co-inventor together with Norberto Keppe, Cesar Soós and Alexandre Frascari of the Keppe Motor.
The audience was made up of small and medium size entrepreneurs, university professors and experts, all stakeholders in the field of energy efficiency and sustainability, Frascari highlighted the advantages of the revolutionary motor technology, based on the principles outlined in the book, The New Physics derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics by Norberto Keppe. Keppe Motor’s high efficiency and economy, as well as the new paradigms of the new physics, captivated the attention of those in attendance and lead participants to ask many questions at the end of the presentation.
Comments from the public and from the e-mails received by the CNA after the event, many of the attendees congratulated the event planners and encouraged the organization to host similar events in the future. The presentation of theKeppe Motor coincides with an important phase of reflection and rethinking about Italian energy policies through programs such as the “Green Economy” recently signed in Siena in order to encourage the use of efficient and sustainable technologies.
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