Keppe Motor Receives Award from Corporate Vision Magazine - Keppe Motor - Tecnologia para um Novo Mundo

Keppe Motor Receives Award from Corporate Vision Magazine

The Keppe Motor’s innovative technology, developed from the discoveries of Norberto Keppe’s New Physics, has again received international recognition.
Corporate Vision Magazine from England (the land of Isaac Newton) has just named the Keppe Motor the 2019 Leading Pioneer in Energy-Efficient Motor Technology following technical analysis by the judges of this competition.
This awards represents more international recognition for the highly efficient Keppe Motor as an innovative and clean energy solution that provides a solution for the current process of destruction on the planet. The Keppe Motor’s efficiency stems from its ability to capture what Tesla called scalar energy, something Keppe calls essential energy.
Norberto Keppe with the 2019 Leading Pioneers in Energy-Efficient Motor Technology Award
This is the 5th international award for the Keppe Motor, which has many international patents for its innovative technology.
Here is the CV Magazine Announcement of the Keppe Motor’s 2019 Energy Innovator Awards Nomination:
“Following an extensive in-house research process designed to identify leading enterprises and individuals within the energy sector, I am delighted to confirm that Keppe motor has been highlighted as a potential nominee within the category of Renewables & Environment.”
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Supporting Evidence Request:
Thank you for accepting your nomination in the Energy Innovator Awards, proudly hosted by CV Magazine! (…) with some standard questions we would like you to answer.  Completing this survey is entirely optional and not doing it will not impact your nomination in any way. (…)
Announcement of CV Magazine’s Leading Pioneers in Energy Efficient Motor Technology 2019 award:
On behalf of CV Magazine, I am honored to inform you that Keppe Motor has been successful this year, and has been awarded:
Leading Pioneers in Energy-Efficient Motors Technology 2019
Prints from Corporate Vision Magazine
Tags: energy efficiency courseCV Magazinekeppe motorawardRenewable Resources and Environment

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About Keppe Motor

The Keppe Motor is a highly efficient motor that uses the principle of electromagnetic resonance to optimize its efficiency. It was developed by three researchers, Carlos Cesar Soós, Alexandre Frascari and Roberto Heitor Frascari, based on the discoveries of the scientist Norberto da Rocha Keppe, set forth in his book “The New Physics Derived From A Disinverted Metaphysics,” first published in France, 1996.

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