(Plants, animals and humans)

Scientific research in the field of magnetism using a therapeutic method show that the effects of magnetic fields on organisms are positive. Some of these effects are: pH normalization, cell oxygenation regulation, immunity improvement, inflammation and pain reduction, relaxation, etc.

Metabolic effect of magnetism on the human body

Effects of magnetism on the vascular system:

Effects of magneto-therapy on physiotherapy:

Positive results were observed in bone tissue regarding fracture healing and osteoporosis, cicatrization, nerve regeneration and protection, and regeneration of articular cartilage. (MEYER, 2011).

Dr. Robert O. Becker (1923-2008), orthopedic surgeon and professor at the Upstate Medical Center in New York, noted that the body has the capacity to generate the magnetic energy necessary for the repair of tissues and injuries. However, due to certain limitations – based on the body’s energy capacity, which determines the amount of magnetic energy it can generate – the body is often unable to supply the injured site with sufficient magnetic energy. In this case, an external source is needed to reinforce the natural magnetism and assist in the energetic rebalancing of the body. Magnetic therapy is capable of inducing adaptive homeostatic responses. (BECKER, 2010).

The Keppe Motor fan contains rotating magnets that bring greater energy to the environment. The simple exposure of the organism to the rotating fields of the Keppe Motor magnets is able to magnetically relax the blood vessels, relieving them of various tensions caused by the stress of everyday life, restoring the energetic balance of the body through the principle of resonance.
Get your Keppe Motor fan here


BECKER, R. O. Eletromagnetism and life. Cassandra publishing. Belcher, LA. 2010. 

GUILLOT, J. D. Z. La magnetoterapia y su aplicación en la medicina.(Magnet therapy and its application in medicine) Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2002;18(1):60-72

MEYER, P.F et al. Magnetoterapia: é possível este recurso fazer parte da rotina do fisioterapeuta brasileiro? (Magnet therapy: is it possible that this resource takes part in Brazilian physiotherapists’ routine?) Arquivos brasileiros de ciências da saúde. V.36, n.1, p.35-39, jan-abr. 2011.

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