Keppe Motor proposes a dramatic shift in planet’s energy philosophy

If you have questions, ideas to toss into the discussion, new suggestions for developing this innovative technology, this is the place to do it.

We’ve just opened the Keppe Motor Club discussion forum, and we’re interested in anything productive you have to contribute to the conversation.

We’re also looking to provide a place for those of you who are building your own Keppe Motors to have some place to come to trade ideas and experiences.

The Keppe Motor is a significant contributor to helping solve the pressing energetic and environmental crises looming on the horizon because it’s cheap, super efficient, easy on the environment, and is showing signs that it may even have many residual health benefits because of its process of capturing essential energy from space, which makes it more in tune with the human organism.

Want to talk about it? Share your ideas and suggestions? Join us online.

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