27/09/2010 – Portal BrasilAlemanha
A captaçăo de energia livre se daria a partir do ambiente através de um motor, baseado no livro A Nova Física da Metafísica Desinvertida do pscanalista, filósofo e cientista social Norberto Keppe, de Săo Paulo.
Os cientistas, engenheiros e jornalistas que viram seu funcionamento são unânimes em afirmar que nunca conheceram nada igual e que esta descoberta poderá se revelar como a mais importante de todos os tempos no campo da ciência, dadas as inúmeras e inimagináveis aplicações que poderão surgir desse invento
O motor está sendo apresentado nos Estados Unidos e amplamente noticiado pela mídia americana. Veja alguns exemplos:
From Sept. 24 – 27, 2008, the World Conference of Analytical Trilogy will explore the ground-breaking work emerging from the Brazilian School of Analytical Trilogy founded by Dr. Norberto R. Keppe. The Conference will present a stimulating and diversified selection of workshops and lectures that will address and offer solutions to our myriad social problems.
One of the highlights of the Conference will be the unveiling of a breakthrough new motor based on Keppe’s postulates outlined in his book, The New Physics. Inventors hope the Keppe Motor will soon power everything from cars to industrial equipment.
The Keppe Motor addresses numerous environmental and social problems present in the world today. As non-renewable energy sources dwindle fast, massive environmental damage and global warming continue unchecked and electrical bills and oil prices skyrocket, the revolutionary — and completely green — Keppe Motor ushers in a new era of sustainable, clean and inexpensive technology. Partnerships with the Keppe/Pacheco Association are currently being sought and developed to bring the Keppe Motor to the world market.
Sites: www.keppemotor.com
Fonte: www.brasilalemanha.com.br